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shiur berlin radical discourses: new age antisemitism

shiur berlin radical discourses- a text based discourse on new age antisemitism

july 25, 2024 | location given upon rsvp confirmation

How is it that certain segments of the typically politically indifferent New Age scene, from Tulum to Ibiza to Bali, have fully embraced antisemitic tropes and ideologies in their newfound interest and self-appointed authority on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict? Join us with Micki Weinberg as we explore texts from Leo Löwenthal, Knut Hamsun, Hannah Arendt, Jewish traditional texts, and more that will shed light on the roots of this seemingly strange turn.

18 eur (including full programming, wine, cheese and snacks).

SHIUR supporting members & students receive discounted ticket (10 euros).

Registration for the Event is closed. See photos of the Event below!

June 21

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