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SHIUR Retreat: Bohemian midsummer shabbat

SHIUR Retreat: Bohemian midsummer shabbat

June 21-23, 2024 | a castle in Bohemia in Czech republic

Apply to join the SHIUR Bohemian Midsummer Shabbat Retreat in a Baroque Castle built in 1721.

About the retreat:

The purpose of SHIUR retreats is to retreat with the intent to return to society; impacting meaningful change both within ourselves and those around us. We do this by bringing together a diverse group of participants to engage in multidisciplinary activities–text based discourse, ritual, music, art, body movement, and good food. 

We believe that our special take on Shabbat and Havdalah practices could offer a radically different approach to retreat, transformation, and alterity–for participants of all backgrounds.

We directly engage in contemporary questions and issues that affect ourselves and our society–detachment is not enough! 

About the location:

The beautiful and renovated castle is located in the countryside of Western Bohemia over the German and Austrian borders in the Czech Republic. Bohemia is a region of outstanding natural and architectural beauty that also has a rich cultural history–from the Kabbalists to Kafka! We are thrilled and look forward to engage in texts and rituals that emerged from the very location that we will be in.

Participants will be able to enjoy the castle, the surrounding parkland and nature areas.

Czech Republic has been a steadfast friend of Israel and the Jewish people, and we are proud to have our retreat in a country that has taken an unequivocal stance against antisemitism.

Pick up and transport from Prague is included in the price. We are also arranging transports from Berlin and Munich.


The castle has different rooms of varying size and luxury. 

All inclusive (3 days, 2 nights accommodation, food, programming, including pick up and transport)- costs range from 275 to 500 euros depending on the room.


If you are under 30 you can apply for a special subsidised rate of 75 euros all inclusive. Space is limited, we recommend you apply early.

Registration for the retreat is closed. See photos of the the retreat below!

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